Deja Vu Now after Covid Music Shows coming back

Good Morning All! It has been since February 29, 2020 since a show at Artichoke Music. Right before the world closed down with COVID. Now it is almost 4 years later and have invited the same amazing performers to join me in the celebration of “The Whisper” It’s a déjà vu with new music and songs. Ron Carnes, Megan Cronin Music,@HeatherMichet, Michael Henchman wi9ll be join the show Friday, December 22 7-9 PM. I like sharing the news and I know many of you are a good distance from Artichoke Music. Now YOU CAN CATCH THE SHOW !
Ten minutes before the show, – go on YouTube, search Artichoke MusicMusic’. Then go to the Live section and the feed will be there for you to join. There are still tickets for you who are in Portland or close. Here is the link:…/Carl+Solomon+and+Friends+w… In person you will receive the Album ” The Whisper” as CD or Digital Download. Please remember that Artichoke Music is a non profit serving many musical people and groups in the Portland Metro area.

The Stories of the Songs of “THE WHISPER”


I want to Thank everyone who has been listening to my new Album “The Whisper”. If you have not had a chance it is on those internet radio like Spotify, Apple Music & many others. remember as the kids say “To Like it /follow it”You can find it on my website to listen. They are on the home page of my  website for listening. To purchase follow this link_

Here are the stories about the songs of The Whisper. It is in a chronological order for the first five songs, The second five songs are more of a look in the society of the world around me. We each see from our perspectives, they can not always be explained? These songs come from my perspective, my voices and I hope a shared reality      Thanks for listening! Carl

The Stories of “The Whisper© 2023 Solomon

 1. Look West – This the story of two worlds coming together.As long as I remember my Grandparents were there. My Grandfather was my male role model My mother had misfortune with husbands. My bio dad passed before my 2nd birthday and we moved into my Grandparents Brooklyn apartment. My mom tried again. My adopted dad died six months after they got married and Mom was pregnant with my brother. We had moved back to Baltimore.This time my grandparents moved into our house. So he was basically always there. He told me the stories of his life. I was with him in his hospital room when he pasted. He encouraged me to go west I looked West, I will be in Portland 50 years in2024. Our stories connected. 

2. Lincoln Continental ( Suicide Doors) This part of my Carnival Barker series. Promised Land album/ Play to Win song. Story of forbidden love, young love. I was a Carnival Barker a traveling show. She was a member of a Romani/ Gypsy family that stopped at the same State Fairs. She drove an 1964 Lincoln with Suicide doors. It became where we would meet.. It was a gigantic car, there was no second season. 

3 Morocco – The carnival barker job paid me well – in cash. I took off early( long story) I grabbed my backpack and guitar to travel Europe and Morocco , maybe Greece, Israel My rail pass ended in Madrid, where I met group of folks traveling in VW buses. They were headed south through Spain and to end up in Morocco. Where it was warmer. I connected with a woman traveler from the group., until we went our different ways. Another love song that ended, with what could of been. 

4 Only the Moon Knows – It was a song that began as a co write in the west Texas desert at a “Crooked Crow Retreat” I continued to work on it until it it said it was done. It fits the theme of searching for answers to life’s questions. I put it fourth in this album because the first three songs was I searching for answers to questions I did not yet know but I was trying to answer………

 5 The Whisper -Is the story of the meeting of true connections of the heart.. The story of meeting my wife and of the years we spending and building a life. Even though it is never simple but listening to the whisper of her heart of our hearts. We celebrate 47 years together.

6. Singin with the Ghost A story how lives can be connect in many places. When I am traveling, on the road .the As many performers I like to eat after a show. One place I have frequent has been Waffle Houses. I love sitting and listening, stealing from the moments people share. Thats where the story was born. It could be the Dave Carter & Tracy Grammar story and many others. A different love song. 

7.Window Shopping for Jesus – True story started with a song prompt at Southwest Regional Folk alliance conference in Austin. The song came fast to begin. I went back to the carnival life and experience. One of the guys that worked on our crew he fancies himself as an evangelical looking to save people. He had a hard time saving himself. He was always looking for answers and a lot of time he thought he knew the answer. Another twisted soul looking for truth. With the reference to Jesus and Graham Parsons, the chorus was born. 

8. Soldier’s Psalm This song came from the work ,I do teaching guitar and songwriting with a veterans group called SoldierSongs&Voices. My brother in law who loves writing, was Marine in Vietnam. He wrote a poem about Marine colors and Vietnam service medal- Yellow, Red& Green. In the poem he shows attitudes are different today versus the late 60s early 70s. His training platoon did not lose one person in Vietnam. . I also dedicate to my brother in law Chris Joyce and a Marine/Songwriter Grover Duffield. from SSV who recently pasted away. . 

9. Crime of Silence – This is not preaching, it is a question? This a question song? The song comes from some radicalism of my youth. The concept is are we responsible to act , if we watch an act of violence? Do we feel that we would do something to stop it. That is the question. It is co written with Randy Brown.

Written to hopefully make you think of what you would do or would not do? 

10. You, Me Us A futuristic tale of the apocalypse . Could it be a rebirth story of the planet? It leaves only the coyote only the salmon and only the crow left on this Earth. It started with images that kept popping up in my writing. So I thought what if humans were gone and there were only animals left on the Earth. The ordering of the these ten songs tell a story of parts of my life. The first five songs talk of my journey to find a place.

Thank You  Carl  

On the Road Again

 Yes I am back on the road again.  Traveling from Portland down to Texas.  I have had to change directions a few times.  I was hoping to go from Portland to Denver,  then to Arlington,Texas then down to Kerrville Folk. Every time over the last 3/4 years I have planned to go I-80. It has been snowing in this week of May. This morning watching the weather channel it was snowing again. Portland keeps raining ! Denver keeps snowing!

The drive has delivered amazing landscapes.  Driving along the beautiful Columbia River through their canyons. Just watching barges and fisherman with a couple of windsurfers.  Then down through the farms in Idaho and into those amazing canyons of Utah and the deserts New Mexico.     Everything has been so mesmerizing.  Each evening I’ve been sitting and visualizing what I’ve seen and free writing about the these creations, of all this beauty. I think of the absolute need to preserve it.    No pictures to share they are all in my head. Images lock for my brain to wander and wonder about it all. 

See you on the Road Thanks Carl  
Home on the Road

Dusting off my Boots

Hello it has been a while

 I just dusted off my boots.  The dust from Liberty Hill,  Texas and @CribworksDigitalAudio.  I was just about 40 miles North of Austin.  I was there to begin work on my fourth album.  I had searched for a producer that would push me and my music to a new level.  I found that person in @MerleBregante, an amazing talented  producer, engineer and musician.  His life in music brings so many perspectives and possibilities.  We both believed that it is the creative work of listening to these songs, letting  them will lead us to what is  needed.  It is always  to create a voice/melody that serves the song. 

No surprise that they are a collection story songs. These  songs were mostly created during the isolation of the pandemic.  I pulled out old journals from travels, daily free writes and those ideas that have been calling to me for years.  I had time to remember and create. As you would suspect they are all stories,  filled with of love lost and found,  characters I have met along the way and those ideas that just kept hanging around.   We will see where it all goes. I’m targeting fall of 2022 for completion, we will have to see what the songs think?  

I flew in to Austin to spend five days to begin the project. Only saw the airport and a grocery store.  We encountered a few obstacles-struggling air conditioners, possible tornadoes and flight cancellations.  They did not slow us down! We spent the week working together, talking music, creating and recording 10 tracks for the new album.  I am so honored and want to thank Merle for joining this journey.  He is a wizard and task master for the song. He gives you 110 % plus.  We got a lot done, a great beginning. 

Thanks for Listening   Carl

Recent Tour

I just returned from a wonderful tour in Austin Houston and Galveston.  Thanks everybody for coming out and supporting the return to live music in my music. It was great seeing so many friends and crows. I have to thank a lot of folks for helping this week of music happen. Joel McC0ll and New World Deli for the invitation. The wonderful and talented Vanessa Lively for an evening of swapping songs and stories. You are amazing! Pam Herndon and  JPHops House the Soup Kitchen Wednesday Night was so cool. Playing to a live audience is so amazing and listening to the Outrageous house band of Troubes.  Pam and James Johnson Studio in Galveston. What a great night, your audience and preparation was amazing. Special thanks to Charlie Stewart and Jordi Baizan.

Creation of a New Album

Next Month I will begin the creation of a new Album of Songs.  Here is a draft of a song that Im hoping  record for the album. I will be working with Cribworks Studio, Merle Bergante. No name of the project, The songs will reveal the title. Here is a song I wrote of my Grandfather.  i grew up with in my home. He taught me so many things. He was always there for me.  It is called “Look West My Son”. This is the newest version, draft recordings are a moment in time.

Ten Years Along the River, Back Again !

Lately I have been thinking about all the shows over the past nine years.  WOW it has been  great, getting to ten years.  Thanks to Judy B for the space, friendship  and the sharing of her love of music.  Paradise such a perfect name for the House Concert.  It all happens at the bend of  the river.   Voices  do float over the river, giving to the name ” Voices on the River”.  So here we  are Alive Again and  Thankful! I am so looking forward to seeing all of you spreading  out on the deck, along the edge of the river or  even sitting  in the water. Yes,  it happens every year. It has been a gift to share this place with so much talent. It’s been a cornucopia of brilliance. Thank you all @LincolnCrockett, @MattMeighan&@KellyBrightwell, ,@EliseHelms, @KellyBosworth, @KellyBrightwell, @BethWood, @The Better Halves, @MikeDurham, @CarlSolomon solo Zoom. Our ten year brings in @ChrisBaron. We will also have a special guest@LizCampbell.

Seats are still available contact Judy –


“Tales Beyond the Pandemic”

Here is the News “Tales Beyond the Pandemic”

I have been thinking of a new album. The time of being shutdown has  brought me a nice collection of songs   This raises questions?  When? Why? Who? Where? & What?   I decided to look for a producer  this time around.  It’s a scary sharing control of these creations with someone other than my brain.  I still really love the work from my first three albums. It was a great group of recording engineers and wow all of the musical contributors of talent. You never know where you will end until begin taking those first steps. I am starting a new step.

Your support will help me move forward to launch this project. At the moment it’s called

“Tales Beyond the Pandemic” 

I have just created a Patreon account.   It is a platform where you can support my journey and the creation of an album. I am hoping to make it simple for you and myself.  I am still learning all the ins and outs of Patreon. I believe there is a minimum is 3  dollars a month , for as long as you wish to contribute.  Right now,  for me there is only One Level. This will probably will change as I learn as I go.  I really appreciate and cherish all of your support over the years. There are non financial ways you can also provide  support for this project and my music.  Checking out my music on Spotify, YouTube and Pandora.  Watch your email and my social media for more!  I will continue to throw out some new ideas  and listen to your perspective. It is a work in progress.

Here is my Patreon link :

Let me know what you think? Patreon Tube Video is on the way.


Playing Again at Portland International Airport – If you are flying at PDX Airport? Stop by Say Hi. Early Thursday & Saturday Mornings at Gate C8. I’m backing playing my music for travelers and staff.

Music is opening up once again!!.  I have more  shows on the way. I would love to play for you / community.  Just send me a note. We can create your own event.  I will update you coming shows. You will find them on Tour Page, Newsletter ,Facebook and Instagram.

Friday, July 9  Carl Solomon at Tiny Deck Concerts, $20 6:30 PM /Doors 6:00 PM , All Vaxed, Masks for non vaccinated, NE Portland. Heather Michet will be opening, Ron Carnes on electric guitar. Seating is limited a private show by invitation. You can message  me on Facebook or at for a seat.

Sunday,  August 8  Paradise House Concerts: Carl Solomon and Chris Baron  the 10th Annual ”Voices on the River” Show.  you are over looking the Clackamas River.  All Vaxed, Masks for non vaccinated, Bring a Snax, BYOB $15 Doors 3:30 Show 4:00 PM Contact Judy at for reservations.

Carl Solomon at Tumbleweed Virtual Music Festival 2021 – our 25th Anniversary! Friday, 4 September 2021, Friday, 4 September 2021 Tune in at year’s theme:  “Silver Linings.”I will be playing a song written for the theme” Sara’s Silver Heart & 2 other new “Americana Tales Beyond the Pandemic”

September 24-26 The Southwest Regional Folk Alliance 2021 Virtual conference

 October in Texas I will be heading down to Texas for Shows,The Crooked Crow Songwriting Retreat & SSV REVIELLE 2021Unfortunately I will be missing Kerrville.  I still have a few open dates and some more shows in the works! Let me know if I  can set up a show for you. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 13th, Carl Solomon and Joel McColl  New World Deli, In the round at 7 PM, 4101Guadalupe St, Austin, Texas. 78751

Sunday Night,  October 17th, Carl Solomon at Johnson Studio House Concerts Live & on Zoom Suggested donation for in-person concerts is $15-20, and online attendance is pay what you can. There will be a can for cash donations at in-person concerts. Paypal/Venmo info will be available for all concerts, with donations going directly to the artists. Call James at 936-661-6332 for more information. Galveston,Texas

Wednesday October 20 – 24th 10th Crooked Crow Gathering, at Chinati Hot Springs, Texas.  A small group of songwriters to create, write, talk/debate Song writing, Sing New & Old Songs under the skies of West Texas Desert. No internet or Cellular Data.Perfect!

October 25 -30, Carl Solomon at  SSV 2021 Reveille Retreat

The Reveille Retreat is designed to connect both active duty and veterans of our Armed Services with nationally acclaimed songwriters and performers to assist participants in transforming their life and military experiences into song.

Stay in Touch, Be Safe, Be Vaccinated Thanks for Listening Long Live Live Music Again



The Return of Live Music

I’m beginning to see the light of the magic in music again. It has been a long quiet road. Feeling like I have been  standing in one place.  I am thankful for the health of friends and family. The experience of receiving the COVID19 vaccine has cautiously lifted a weight from my world. The last two weeks has been wonderful! The Portland Airport Music Program resumed in June. I played live for people for the first time in 18 months on June 3rd.  No screen, No Camera and No Mirror Image!. Just Me and my guitar! I have been a part of this program for last eight years? I received such a warm greeting on my return from the TSA and all the people that work at PDX.  I felt so welcomed back. This placed has give me an opportunity to develop and polish my performance skills, while in front of hundreds/thousand of travelers. Those hours are truly priceless. As they pass me at my spot of Gate C8,  some stop to listen and share stories of joy and sadness. Some stop to ask who’s song am I playing and you know you sound just like……… and I say Thanks.  My last two albums are filled with parts of those stories and emotions. I still collect those ideas and moments that they share. They are now turning up in my new songs.   There was another special music moment! It was the very next night, a safe gathering of songwriters. It was a small song circle and we were fully vaccinated. There was even a couple of listeners for an audience. We swapped songs and stories into the night. It reminded me of all of those circles and gatherings that I  have been so missing!                                                            . LONG LIVE LIVE MUSIC THANKS FOR LISTENING-Carl  

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